Silk Road
How Were Things Traded?
East to West
Give a detailed description of what was traded from the East to West.
West to East
Give a detailed description of of what was traded from the West to East.
Give a detailed description of what else was exchanged besides goods.
Replace with your word
Replace with your word
Replace with your word
Replace with your word
Replace with your word
Why Global Exchange Is Important?
Replace Title
Replace this text with Reason 1 Global Exchange is important
Replace Title
Replace this text with Reason 2 Global Exchange is important
Replace Title
Replace this text with Reason 3 Global Exchange is important
How long is the Silk Road?
You will replace this text with a FACT about the Silk Road that you find INTERESTING.
Be clear and direct to the point. Keep your thoughts flowing logically. Aim for brevity and impact! Be sure to use proper punctuation and grammar!
You will replace this text with a FACT about the Silk Road that you find INTERESTING.
Be clear and direct to the point. Keep your thoughts flowing logically. Aim for brevity and impact! Be sure to use proper punctuation and grammar!
Compare and Contrast
Globalization (trade) during the Silk Road to globalization today
You will replace this text with a written description comparing and contrasting globalization (trade) during the Silk Road to globalization (trade) today.
Be clear and direct to the point. Keep your thoughts flowing logically. Aim for brevity and impact! Be sure to use proper punctuation and grammar!